Ad sense Alternatives


 List of AdSense Alternatives

Are you looking for alternative ways to monetize your website or blog? While AdSense is a popular option, it's not the only one out there. Here are a few alternatives to consider:

 1. Amazon Associates: This program allows you to earn money by promoting Amazon products on your website. You can earn up to 10% in advertising fees for each product sold. Sign up at

Amazon Associates

2. This program is similar to AdSense, and it allows you to place ads on your website and earn money for each click. The average earning per click is around $0.10 - $0.30 logo

3. Propeller Ads: This program offers a variety of ad formats, including pop-unders, display banners, and interstitials. The average earning per click is around $0.05 - $0.10

sign up here:

propeller Ads Mobile Ads Advertisement

4. Infolinks: This program allows you to place inline text ads on your website and earn money for each click. The average earning per click is around $0.05 - $0.10

sign up here :

Make money with infolinks

5. Viglink: This program allows you to monetize your outbound links by converting them into affiliate links. You can earn a commission for any resulting sales. Sign up at

viglink performance dashboard

6. Shareasale: This program allows you to earn money by promoting products from a wide range of merchants. The earning per click varies depending on the merchant and the product. sign up here:

Sharesale affiliate market

7. Skimlinks: This program allows you to earn money by converting your outbound links into affiliate links. Sign up at

slimlinks earning dashboard

8. Commission Junction: This program allows you to promote products from a wide range of merchants and earn a commission on resulting sales. Sign up at

Commission junction logo

it's important to do your research to find the best fit for your website or blog. Also, different programs may have different terms and conditions, so make sure to read and understand them before signing up.

It's also worth noting that it's not necessary to limit yourself to just one program. You can use multiple monetization methods to maximize your earning potential.

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